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Royal Palm

Roystonea regia 

"Cuban Royal Palm"


The majestic Royal Palm is native to Cuba and North America.  Nothing says the tropics like a Royal Palm and it is probably the classic South Florida palm most people recognize.




The Royal Palm is a giant that can get up to 60 – 80 feet tall and 5 -10 ft wide with a moderate growth rate of around a foot each year. 


Royals can tolerate cold weather down to 30F for a short period of time. This palm is not a cold hardy palm and definitely needs to be protected from frost and cold snaps. Royals grow best in the USDA Zones 10a (30 to 35 F) to 11 (above 40 F).


They can grow in partial shade to full sun but prefer sunny locations.  A Royal Palm can actually be grown indoors when it is young if you provide it with enough light but they will eventually outgrow any container.




Royals like lots of water but need to be in an area that is well drained. They are moderately drought tolerant.  They can be planted in most soils and can even thrive in poor soil. Plant with top soil or peat moss in the hole. Fertilize with a good quality continuous release fertilizer twice a year during the growing season, more often if the fronds start looking yellow. Royals are self-cleaning and drop the old fronds on their own.




Royals should be no closer to any structure than 8 feet because the tops can have up to a ten foot spread overall, so allow room for the fronds to not be damaged by touching walls.


You want to come out with enough distance that falling fronds don't damage anything (including people) underneath.


Plant Royals 8 to 10 feet apart when planting in a row.


Landscaping with Royal Palms


• perfect for lining streets, driveways or to accent a property line

• as an accent for tall structures

• stand-alone tree for a home’s yard (be aware the Royal’s majestic size can overwhelm a small home or yard)

• flanking each side of an entrance drive 


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